S1EP 16: Connecting to our Unique Design through Color Analysis with Kim Bass

Have you heard of color analysis? In today's episode, Kim Bass shares how color analysis and styling help shift how we feel and see ourselves and reconnect us to loving our natural design and how we were created. Our conversation also dives into how color analysis and styling have helped us belong to ourselves and offer ourselves self-acceptance as an AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) person.

Kim grew up in the Bay Area and still lives there to this day with her husband of 14 years and their two kids. She worked in HR for a couple of tech companies before becoming a full-time SAHM. After 10 years of being a homemaker, she went back to the workforce in 2021 and joined a virtual color analysis business called Created Colorful, where she manages the blog content for the company.

Connect with Kim on Instagram @kimstigrams

Learn more about color analysis @createdcolorful and at www.createdcolorful.com

Schedule your color analysis consult here


Calling all working moms! 

I’ll help you create your ideal work-life balance so you can thrive at work, at home, and in life! 

Together, we’ll walk through the “Thriving Working Mom Process” tailored to your needs to create a sustainable work-life balance that allows you to have a career and a family life and do both well!

When you have your ideal system of work-life balance working for you, you’ll feel satisfied because you’ve finally found YOUR way of being a working mom that feels good. 

I’m now offering a 12-session private individual coaching package for working moms.

Learn more at jamminwithjocelyn.com/workwithme and book your FREE Introductory Coaching Session  


Let's Connect!

Follow Jocelyn on Instagram: @jocelyn.auyeung
Grab your FREE Mindfulness Practices list here.
Learn more about Jocelyn's coaching at www.jamminwithjocelyn.com


S1EP17: Overcoming the Fear of Failure as an Asian American Woman


S1EP15: Supporting Teacher Emotional Wellness through the SEL Lens with Rachel Bacosa